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4 paws classes

4 Paws offers a range of classes for all dogs.

Whether your dog is a curious pup just starting their training journey, an older companion looking for further development, or an energic adolescent keen on sports, our classes will help your dogs reach their full potential and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend.


puppy training

puppy preschool Classes

Our puppy preschool classes are small in size so you can ask plenty of questions and have a more personalised experience. Classes take place weekly at the same time at our dog school and are 60 minutes long.

In the program, we focus on communication skills and engagement with your puppy as well as setting them up for success and creating a fulfilling lifestyle. Everything you need for your puppy to develop into a well-trained canine citizen. 


  • 5 x 60 minute lessons included 

  • Maximum 5 puppies per class

  • For puppies under the age of 5 months

  • Discounts for additional lessons after the initial package

  • Access to group classes

  • 1 free playgroup session *

private sessions

Our private sessions are 45 minutes long at your home or at our facility in Corrimal. We schedule your sessions a week apart to keep training consistent over the 4 sessions. 

  • 4 x 45 minute one on one lessons included 

  • Any age under 6 months

  • Discounts for additional lessons after the initial package

  • Access to group classes

  • 1 free playgroup session *

* Puppies must meet our playgroup criteria

k9 kinder
foundations class

Our foundations class is a 4 week starter course for those who want to join our casual group training. This covers a lot of the basics your dog will in puppy training however it will be tailored to adolescent and adult dogs. This course will get you on the same level as people who have either attended our puppy school or done private lessons.

$210 per course

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group courses

casual group classes

Casual classes for dogs over 5 months of age that have competed either Puppy Preschool or K9 Kinder with us


After foundation training, all clients should be on the same level with their basic skills. Through the K9 Primary, K9 High and K9 College owners will work on proofing their basic skills as well as learning some new ones. Owners will need to demonstrate they can preform specific behaviours before moving to the next level.. Classes are casual so you can book in week to week when your available.  

level 1: k9 primary

K9 Primary we continue with our foundations, proofing these behaviours in a more distracting scenario

level 2: k9 high

k9 High we up the anti and work on off leash training

level 3: k9 college

K9 college is where we take the training into the real world and challenge ourselves as well as our canines.

k9 sport training

Looking for something more challenging? K9 Sport Classes for Current Clients that want to focus on advanced obedience, play styles and more technical behaviours. This 6 week course will give you the tools to compete in sports if you choose to. Our course is based off GRC and IGP sports.

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